Pooja Poddar Marwah

The AI era

In the vast realm of human capabilities, one thing that’s always set us apart is our creative spirit. It’s the part of us that AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) are now challenging. So, has AI really outshone human creativity?

As a writer, I’ve often heard people say that AI is here to steal our jobs. They claim that ChatGPT and its kind are the new wordsmiths in town. But I differ, strongly. There’s something AI can never replicate, and that’s our human emotion. When we write, pouring our experiences and emotions into words, no AI can capture that authenticity.

Beyond the fields of science and technology, it’s the world of content creation and creativity that’s taking the center stage. The World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report revealed that in this age, cognitive skills like analytical and creative thinking are the real game-changers.Simultaneously, AI has firmly rooted itself in the creative sphere. Over 67% of professionals in fields like advertising and marketing are turning to AI to boost their work.

It’s as if the line between our creative genius and AI is blurring, with apps like Typeshare, MidJourney, Writesonic, and Tapio acting as our Virtual Assistants, helping us research and upskill.

In the midst of this tech-savvy world, I can’t help but notice a significant shift in human behaviour. There are those who use age as an excuse to avoid learning about new technologies. Then there are the ones who resist change, thinking they can stick to their old ways. But it’s the majority, the silent hustlers, who are embracing the digital revolution with open arms, learning and upskilling day in and day out.

Sure, it can be overwhelming at times. Technology evolves faster than we can blink, but what truly sets the bridge-crossers apart from the rest, is their mindset. It’s about how you embrace change and turn it into an ally. Adapting to change, making it your friend, is the way to personal and professional growth.

Throughout history, we’ve seen countless transformations. From the invention of the wheel to the age of the internet, humanity has repeatedly faced and conquered new frontiers. AI is simply the latest chapter in this ongoing story. It’s not here to replace us; it’s here to enhance our potential, to magnify our creativity, and to challenge us to redefine our limits.


As we contemplate the interplay between human creativity and AI, let’s remember that – creativity isn’t a finite resource; it flourishes when nurtured. AI might have reached impressive levels of creativity, generating ideas that rival our own. But true creativity isn’t about exclusivity; it’s about universality.

I, as a creator, possess the incredible ability to infuse my work with the intangible essence of my experiences, emotions, and unique perspectives. AI can assist, automate, and amplify my effort, but it can never replace the authenticity and depth of human creativity.

In this age of remarkable technological advancements, our response should be one of continuous adaptation, a willingness to embrace change as an opportunity, not a threat. The AI revolution invites us to redefine what it means to be human, to explore new horizons of creativity, and to forge a future where humans and AI collaborate harmoniously, each enhancing the other’s strengths.

So, has AI truly surpassed human creativity? Perhaps in some aspects, but the real beauty lies in the partnership—the fusion of artificial intelligence and human ingenuity. Together, we can achieve levels of creativity and innovation that were once unimaginable. It’s a future worth embracing, a future where the art of intelligence knows no boundaries. A future that redefines a new relationship between A ‘I’ and you.

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