I have learnt
that we all need to constantly step out of our comfort zones, so we can see what we are truly capable of. If the toad stayed where it was and kept hopping around in its pond, the Princess would have never found him, leave alone kiss him to break the spell.
I have learnt
that we all need to constantly step out of our comfort zones, so we can see what we are truly capable of. If the toad stayed where it was and kept hopping around in its pond, the Princess would have never found him, leave alone kiss him to break the spell.
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The power of creativity
It is not what we say, but how we say it.
It is not who we are, but how we wish to be.
It is not where we come from, but where we aspire to reach.
Words, written and spoken, have the power of being a catalyst for change. With that in mind, I started writing. I wrote ruthlessly. I wrote fearlessly. I wrote it all. And then one day, it got noticed.
That is the day my world changed.
Let's work together
I write high authority content for Global Leaders; content that positions them as thought leaders in their field. My cohort on ‘Content in the world of AI’ has helped over 1200 people gain financial independence and create a passive income. Content is not just the king, but also queen and the entire gamut of players on that chessboard. So, if you are looking to create an online presence, let’s chat.
From me to you
“I’ve always believed that having a delectable threesome of faith, trust and love sums up every equation you will have in your life. It is in these three words that you can achieve every and each thing you set your heart on.
Have a delusional amount of belief in your faith and trust in that delusion with such conviction that Destiny has no choice but to serve it to you. Pursue her with love and see how magical your life becomes.”
Pursuit - Drawn by Destiny
The Novel
Set among expatriates in the bustling city of Mumbai, Pursuit reveals the complex shades of a mature, modern-day relationship between two strongly opposite individuals.What is the mystical reason that Kate holds on… or does she let go? Is he really worth risking her sanity for? Is she Edward’s desire or is she is the reason he feels freed? Pursuit captures the true essence of a relationship – Just as is!
For every Indian, ‘Log Kya Kahenge’ hits home like nothing else.People talk about you – because you are worth it!
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