Pooja Poddar Marwah

Life, as we know it

I don’t know the mindset I am going to wake up each day with. For each day brings with it its share of inhuman acts. The world is grappling with a pandemic that no one has a cure for yet and despite the climbing stats each day that are pushing India closer to the top, we read about atrocities to other living beings.

A pregnant mother-woman or a female animal; feel the same bond and connect with the heart that beats inside its womb. It feels every kick, it feels every turn that the baby makes. For Saumya, the elephant, this was no different.

All she went into the village of Malappuram was to search for food so that the baby inside her could eat. She didn’t harm any house or person along the way. She may have been wild but she wasn’t dangerous. I’m sure she must have smiled at the local miscreants who approached her with a pineapple. I’m sure her eyes must have brightened up at the sight of finally getting something to eat.

And, just as she bit into it trustingly, it exploded into her mouth, causing blood to rush out. In spite of the pain and the anguish, Saumya still didn’t trample one person or house but went towards the Velliyar River and dipped her mouth in, to soothe the pain piercing through her.

And the baby, oh! Of course, it died and with it, took its mother too.

There are many protests online and offline but is that really enough? Itseasy to sit home and tweet and post about lives but in reality, this is just news. Its there today for 24 hours after which, there will be something else.

Only a pathetic depraved mind could find pleasure in being cruel to another living being. Maneka Gandhi, BJP leader and Animal Rights Activist says that Malappuram is India’s most violent district for cruelty towards animals. “They throw poison on the roads so that 300-400 birds and dogs die at the same time.”

I don’t know if its missiles or microbes that are deadly. In my opinion, it is us, human beings that have reached a place in life, wherein we are at war with each other. A war, without reason or motive. A war – just to satiate the sadistic power we think we have, over another.

In God’s own Country, to God’s own son, Lord Ganesha, once again, mankind has proven that there is nothing kind about man!

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