Pooja Poddar Marwah

Lets bridge the gap: The ArtificiaI Intelligence revolution

As the AI revolution charges ahead at an unprecedented pace, our entire society stands on the brink of transformative change. The recent advancements, particularly with ChatGPT -4o, now incorporating audio and video capabilities, are expanding the horizons of what artificial intelligence can achieve. And, in the midst of this progress, a critical issue looms large: the risk of leaving behind those who struggle to keep up, particularly our senior citizens.

Barely able to understand whatsapp, chatgpt and midjourney, the surge of AI is making us all dive deep into the psychological impacts of this technological divide, so that together we can explore strategies to ensure inclusivity in the age of AI.

Ironically, the accelerating pace of AI advancements is both exhilarating and daunting. Artificial intelligence has evolved from a futuristic concept to an integral part of daily life. The introduction of ChatGPT-4o with audio and video functionalities marks a significant milestone, enabling more interactive and accessible communication. Users can now engage with AI in a more dynamic manner, breaking down language and literacy barriers. However, these advancements also underscore the need for a comprehensive approach to digital literacy, particularly for older adults who may find these changes overwhelming.

The rapid development of technology can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, they offer incredible opportunities for enhancing daily life, from personalized healthcare to efficient customer service. On the other hand, for those unfamiliar with these technologies, the pace of change can induce anxiety, frustration, and a sense of alienation. Senior citizens, in particular, are facing significant psychological barriers. The fear of the unknown and the perceived complexity of new technologies is leading to resistance and a reluctance to engage. If left unchecked, this may result in social isolation and a diminished sense of self-efficacy, where individuals feel less capable and more dependent on others.

In my opinion, to bridge the gap and ensure that senior citizens are not left behind, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Education and training programs tailored to older adults can make a world of difference. Community workshops and local library sessions can provide hands-on learning experiences, while online tutorials can offer a convenient way for seniors to learn at their own pace. These initiatives can help demystify AI technologies, making them more approachable and less intimidating.

Addressing the psychological impacts of tech anxiety is equally important. Positive reinforcement, celebrating small successes and progress in learning new technologies, can boost confidence and motivation, turning what was once a source of stress into a rewarding experience.

The march of AI progress is unstoppable, but it should not trample over those who struggle to keep up. Technology should be a bridge, not a barrier. The heart of AI advancements lies in their potential to connect, empower, and uplift. By reaching out to those at risk of being left behind, we honour the true essence of progress: creating a world where every individual, regardless of age, can navigate and benefit from the wonders of the digital age.

To know more, drop me an email at poojapoddarmarwah@gmail.com, and let’s chat!


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