Pooja Poddar Marwah

Global ceasefire!

There was a reason for the creation of an international body after World War II. The aftermath of the battle had left pieces of Earth scattered in different directions and Countries were grappling with their own economic and social crisis.

And, thus The United Nations was born. Today, 75 years later, the very sanctity of this international body is being questioned. Why is it unable to maintain the peace and harmony it was supposed to? Why is it struggling to deal with Narcissistic and egomaniacal dictators who call themselves Politicians?

The Secretary General can only appeal to the World Leaders. Speaking of the current pandemic and its disastrous outreach, “Today we have a surplus of multilateral challenges and a deficit of multilateral solutions,” Guterres said. “No one wants a world government – but we must work together to improve world governance.”

And world governance can only improve if the Member countries listen more than they retaliate! The quest for power is so high, that in their moments of epiphanic rise, some leaders overlook the most basic needs of humanity.

We have a chief minister who states that he will make North India’s Largest Film City in Noida. It will cost a hefty sum but that seems justifiable to him because it is a package that shows his power! If he used that money to help the poor of India eat their square meals a day, he wouldn’t get the name and the recognition now, would he?

We have the Prime Minister of Turkey who goes ahead and changes the constitution of his country. By law, no one could hold office as PM for more than 3 terms. So, in his third term, he stands as President and changes the law to make that post as the head of State and head of Government! And of course, The President is elected for Life.

Then we have China who is on its own bio weaponry trip of creating viruses and disrupting borders. We have USA that pays no heed to climate change. “I don’t think science knows” about global warming. “It’ll start getting cooler, you just watch,” says President Trump!

What is the United Nations going to do, if Leaders themselves are locked in a tug of war between intelligence and power? We have it all in our hands to leave a better world for our children, but the question to ponder upon is  – Will we?

To further the pondering – There is an old red Indian saying “We Do Not Inherit the Earth from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children.”

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