Pooja Poddar Marwah

Angels don’t live in Hell

Right from the era of our great epic Ramayana, women have been tested. Inspite of being a true devotional wife to Lord Rama, in the end, she still had to prove her virtue. Did it not hurt her? Did it not cause her to wonder why she was put to such humiliation when deep down inside, Lord Rama knew his wife was the epitome of purity. That was God and we are but human.

In a Country where we are celebrating women empowerment, wherein we are facilitating the girl child with hashtags like #betibachaobetipadhao #womensrights #womenpower, how did the High Court ‘Epitome of Justice’ grant a divorce on the basis of a woman not wearing materialistic symbols of marriage?

If she didn’t feel love and companionship, if she didn’t get the respect and adulation, why would she consider a man she was wedded to, important enough to wear the symbols? Did he wear something that told the world he was a married man? Were her in-laws empathetic enough or did they torture her for dowry? Was there anyone who came to her aid when she was locked in or denied meals?

There are always two sides to every story. Take for instance the case of Superstar Saif Ali Khan who publicly had stated that he couldn’t take his ex wife Amrita’s taunts. Even at our educated level, we find the need to say Enough is enough!

I know adequate legality to understand that not everything we read is true. A lot of it is misinterpreted, especially in divorce cases. But whatever be the reason to separate.. citing the fact that the woman didn’t wear the shakhaor sindoor should be of NO CONSEQUENCE to the Court. This is a highly personal matter and one that the husband and wife are to negotiate on.

It is an extreme setback to all of us Indians. For, if we still live in the world of Patriarchy, no amount of women empowerment is going to take place. The shuffling needs to happen at the grassroot level.

My argument to the Guwahati High Court Judge is – Grant the divorce if you must, but for heaven’s sake, do not cite her refusal to wear the “Ek chutki sindoor.” That is entirely her right and her choice.

I once read, “If a Man expects a woman to be an angel in his life, he must first create heaven for her.. For Angels don’t live in Hell.”

Need I say more?

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